You Look Fabulous Friday Campaign!

It seems that lots of my Plutoverse friends like to comment on my appearance. Some of my friends really, really, really like my ragamuffin look. But some of my other friends really, really, really like my classier groomed look. I mean, if you ask me, I think I am pretty ambidextrous when it comes to my looks–I can go either way! HAHAHAHA So, me and Mom thought we could have a You Look Fabulous Friday campaign and the Plutoverse could pick their favourite me! (If you don’t know about You Look Fabulous Friday, you better go watch that video on my YouTuber – for sure it is worth it!)

Me & Mom looking fabulous on Friday!

Vote now!

Ok, ok, so here is how it works. If you bought a set of my Pluto Living Not-So-Wild-Cards recently, inside your envelope you got a special postcard ballot! You can just put a big X on which me you want to win, and then mail it off to us! But we didn’t want only the people who bought my special cards to be able to vote, that wouldn’t be fair’s square. We wanted anyone to be able to vote. So, we put the ballot down below. If you click on the picture, it will take you to Mom’s WeTransfer page and lets you download one that’s bigger and better to print. (They may ask you to accept some cookies first-but who doesn’t like cookies!) Then, just add a stamp and send it to the address below ask your mailing person to bring it to us. There is no on-line voting–that is shady business. And this is a for real campaign.

You Look Fabulous Friday ballot
You Look Fabulous Friday ballot.


Send to:


C/O P.O. Box 22518
Monkland PO
Montreal QC
H4A 3T4


Cast Your Ballot Soon!

We hope you will play along! Going to the mail box gives Mom something to look forward to. We will for sure announce my winner look in April–we want everyone to have time to get to the mailbox. But, don’t expect me to do the snore ‘n’ snips to conform to the Plutoverse! HAHAHA